Together, Be Better to Do Better
We want to bring people together to help all of us be better so that we can do a better job accomplishing our mission to provide information, advocacy, and support concerning all aspects of life for individuals with Down syndrome and those who support them.
How can I help to support this mission?
2025 Annual Convention
Our 2025 Annual Convention will be held in Dallas, Texas, from July 24 to 27, 2025! Registration opens March 11, 2025, at 12 PM EST. Mark your calendars—hotel rooms are booked quickly!
14(c) Toolkit for Advocates – In Partnership with National Down Syndrome Society
We need your help!
We need advocates to submit comments to the US Department of Labor on eliminating the discriminatory practice of paying people with disabilities subminimum wage.
NDSC and NDSS have created this toolkit for advocates on 14(c).
On December 4th, 2024, the Department of Labor issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) that would phase out the practice of paying people with disabilities below minimum wage (“subminimum wage”) under Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Specifically, the rule would stop employers from being able to apply for new 14(c) certificates and would help businesses that currently use 14(c) certificates have a one-time three-year extension to transition from sheltered workshops to competitive integrated employment. The public has until January 17, 2025 to submit comments to the Department to let them know whether or not they support the proposed rule and have any suggestions for its implementation.
NDSC condemns the use of the “R-word” and calls for respectful language
In response to the recent uptick in the use of the “R word” in public dialogue, The National Down Syndrome Congress (NDSC) issues the following statement.
NDSC condemns the use of the “R-word” in all contexts, regardless of intention and without exception. It is disrespectful and dehumanizing to all people with intellectual disabilities.
As explained by our colleagues at Special Olympics, “The R-word is a form of hate speech that stands for “retard,” “retarded,” or other offensive words ending in “-tard.” While “mental retardation” was originally introduced as a medical term in 1961 for people with intellectual disabilities, in the decades since, the R-word has become an insult used all too commonly in everyday language.”
NDSC Executive Director, Jim Hudson, stated, “NDSC works to promote equal rights and opportunities for people with Down syndrome. The use of the “R-word” is painful to individuals with intellectual disability and their families and sets our movement back decades. We implore people to stop using this derogatory language and treat people with Down syndrome with the respect and dignity they deserve.